August 2024 - Aug 14, 2024
The first days of the grouse season are underway for some, but we are aware for many it is a patience game. Doing the best we can within the limits of regulation and weather conditions at critical times to preserve and protect habitats and the flora and fauna within the moorland environment and beyond.
For the lowground shoots it is a hectic time for many, and of course deer and river managers, stalkers and ghillies a similar story. The year rolls on doesn’t it.
The weather seems to have settled and with harvest well underway now it is a patchwork of gold, green and brown, and a sea of purple heather up in the hills. When we can, whilst contemplating seasons in progress and seasons ahead, it is a restorative to a busy day to take a brief respite of repose, to stand for a minute or two and enjoy the countryside we are privileged to live in.
For the Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust, it has been great to meet many keepers and their families at the Game Fairs and events up and down the country and a great opportunity to roll out the health checks from our fantastic team of GWT nurses. The Health and Wellbeing Hub (Nurse Advice Clinic) and counselling services are free, for everyone in the family in work and retirement and is confidential.
We are aware with changes in emphasis on the political front, this is already creating anxiety and uncertainty in homes, especially around the heating allowance and housing needs. Our Housing and Benefits advisor Gillian has been busy sending out podcasts and blogs as well as contacting individuals and families who could do with a hand navigating the system. Do call if we can help in any way at all.
The Lady Scott and Game Bird Award was held recently, and we look forward to the Young Gamekeeper award shortly – both to recognise the immense contribution, wives, partners and families give to ensure the shoot/estate runs smoothly. We are also working hard to ensure that everyone involved knows that we exist to support all the family, whether starting out, in work, in retirement and later life and indeed for those who are working elsewhere, outside the profession, whether by choice, or for other reasons of necessity. The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust is there for all.
We have been incredibly fortunate to receive donations from events and fundraisers as well as from organisations and thank each and every one for their support.
Go well and keep in touch – and finally at the risk of extreme repetition!
“Check in with your Mate”